I purchased a nice 4 X 20 Character LCD off of Ebay for a much better price than most other sites. (look up www.web4robot.com for the LCD)
As you can see, it's up and running on the first night!
I noticed a few errors in the manual, so I improvised and figured out that PBASIC used $FE instead of 0xFE commands. (the 0x = $ for all the hex code)
Little bit of tweaking and I created an ASCII character

Here's the basic wiring.
On the LCD, Pin1 = power, Pin3 =RX, Pin5 = ground
I connected to Pin1 on my Basic Stamp for the TX pin
I took the time to add a lot of notes so that anyone can learn the tricks quickly.
Please excuse the video quality, but hey, it's my first attempt.